Kacper Wyczawski

My skills

  • Languages

    C# HTML CSS JavaScript TypeScript SQL F# C++ PHP

  • Backend

    ASP.NET Core Entity Framework Core PostgreSQL SQLite MySQL

  • Frontend

    Blazor Tailwind CSS Astro Vue Nuxt WebAssembly Bootstrap

  • Other

    Docker Git Linux Unit Testing Nix CI/CD Figma

Work experience

  • 2024.04
    Rzeszów, Poland - Internship
    Frontend Developer at Devi System
    • I was responsible for creating the website for the company EKOLUK.
    • I had the opportunity to develop my skills related to Vue and TypeScript.
  • 2022.10
    Rzeszów, Poland - Internship
    .NET Backend Developer at Ideo
  • 2022.07
    Rzeszów, Poland - Paid internship
    Data Base Administrator at Devi System
  • 2022.04 - 2022.05
    Faro, Portugal - Internship
    Computer Hardware Repair at Clube Do Hardware
